Ristaccia is a seemingly magical jewel that was found inside the Ouroboros Ark when it "fell" into the land of Aria Te'Laria. It is depicted as crimson in the written chapters and artworks, but can also be seen in tones that approach fuschia or light purple during various PVs.Its original shape is unknown, but it was cut into eight pieces that are shown as being ovoid in the Overture.
It possesses incredible powers, the most notable of which being the gift of self-awareness and emotions to any being that comes into contact with it. Under its influence, those beings will grow to build societies and cultures. It can also be used in a weapon to make both said weapon and its wielder way more powerful. Because of its powers, the jewel sparks conflicts among peoples.
In a rhythmic fashion, Ristaccia appears to follow a rule of causality that grants misery on a scale equal to its benefits. Even when this rule appears broken, the outbreak of disaster is merely contained to be released in what seems like a direct twist of reality (as demonstrated in Chapter 4).
Ristaccia is, in reality, just an alter-ego of L'erisia - and through this form, she controls the entirety of life on Aria Te'Laria, since it depends on sentience and qualia.