The Eight Ancient Races (古代八種族) are the inhabitants of Aria Te'Laria.
- Guidebook
- -古代八種族について-
- アリア・て・ラリアの古代世界の主役。古代世界と
- は彼ら八種の生命が誕生し、リスタチアの影響を受
- け、古代神器戦争によって滅亡するまでのことを指し
- 示す。古代神器戦争はリスタチアの奇跡を巡る争いで、
- B.C.350年頃から繰り広げられた。
- Unofficial Translation
- Concerning the Eight Ancient Races
- The leading roles of the ancient Aria Te'Laria. In the ancient world those eight races' existences were born, and under the influence of the Ristaccia, due to the ancient sacred treasure war they were lead to destruction. The ancient sacred treasure war was a conflict surrounded by the Ristaccia's miracles, it unfolded starting around B.C. 350.[1]
- Guidebook
- ~ヒュミナ:古代戦争以前に最も栄えていた種族で
- あり、少数がエジーク大陸、大半がガルキア大陸に分
- 散して生息していた。しかし古代神器戦争時にガルキ
- ア大陸に住んでいた大半の者が息紦える。戦火を免れ
- たエジーク大陸のヒュミナは神国マシノワを、神器を
- 持っていたガルキア大陸の生き残りは神聖ノイグラー
- ド王国を築く。
- Unofficial Translation
- Humina: Before the ancient war, they were the most prosperous race; few lived in the Eijeek continent, a majority dispersed through the Garukia continent. However at the time of the ancient sacred treasure war, the majority of people living in the Garukia continent died. The humina of the Eijeek continent that escaped the horrors of war built the holy land Masinowa, and survivors of the Garukia continent that possessed the sacred treasures built the holy kingdom of Noigladdo.[1]
- Guidebook
- ~ルフィナ:ガルキア大陸の北方に暮らしていた古
- 代種族で、非常に高度な知柱と先を見る力を有してい
- た。古代神器戦争時、神器を用いることで滅亡を免れ
- るも、その後は神器を封印。総合で意識体∑を造り上げ、
- オリビエ岩礁の奥底で眠りについた。
- Unofficial Translation
- Rufina: The ancient race that was living in the north of the Garukia continent, they possesed exceedingly high intelligence and the power to see the future. At the time of the ancient sacred treasure war, by using a sacred treasure they even escaped destruction, after that they sealed the sacred treasure. All together they make up the discarnate entity ∑, that fell into sleep at the depths of the Olivie reef.[1]
- Guidebook
- ~ガデナ:エジーク大陸の南端に栄えた巨人族。古
- 代神器戦争では海に暮らす種族マキュリナの熾烈な攻
- 撃に遭い、ダリシアンの地で巨大な石の塊となって滅
- 亡した。
- Unofficial Translation
- Gadena: The race of giants that prospered at the southern tip of the Eijeek continent. In the ancient sacred treasure war they met the Mercurina’s- the race that lives in the sea- fierce attack, on Dalisian they became a giant mass of stone and were destroyed.[1]
- ~マキュリナ:海一帯に暮らしていた種族。リスタ
- チアの力によって知恵を持ち海底で栄えるが、古代神
- 器戦争でガデナと激しく争った未に滅亡する。トゥー
- リ周辺の魔の海域は彼らの嘆きが生んだものである。
- Unofficial Translation
- Mercurina: The race that lived in sea region. By the power of the Ristaccia, they possessed wisdom and prospered at the bottom of the sea, but in the ancient sacred treasure war they fought violently with the Gadena and finally met destruction. Their grief gave birth to the magic waters around Turii.[1]
- Guidebook
- ~クオナ:鳥類がリスタチアを得て進化し、空をそ
- の住居とした種族。古代神器戦争の際には一体化して
- 巨大な竜となり、ヒュミナ族と戦ったが倒される。
- Unofficial Translation
- Kuona: An evolution of birds who obtained Ristaccia, the race whose home was the sky. During the ancient sacred treasure war they unified and became a giant dragon and fought with the humina people, but were defeated.[1]
- Guidebook
- ~アムリナ:ガルキア大陸東南を拠点に栄えた古
- 代種族。見た目はヒュミナ種に非常によく似ているが、
- 瞳の形状が違う。古代神器戦争時はヒュミナ族と激し
- く争った未に滅亡したと考えられている。
- Unofficial Translation
- Amourina: An ancient race that prospered in the southeast of the Garukia continent. Their appearance is very similar to humina kind; however the shape of the pupil is different. At the time of the ancient sacred treasure war they are thought to have fought violently with the humina people and finally met destruction.[1]
- Guidebook
- ~ミュリティアナ:ガルキア大陸南方の島ル・アビ
- デでキュロッティアナと共存していた種族。実質上キュ
- ロッティアナに従属していたが、ミュリティアナの青年
- が神器を持ちだしたことで両種族間で互い争うよう
- になった。神の島なる中心に神器を埋め込むことで、
- 要塞ともいえる移動島を造り上げてキュロッティアを
- 滅ぼす。しかし、欲深き種族となったことで内紛を起
- こし、滅亡する。
- Unofficial Translation
- Militiana: The race that coexisted with the Culottianas on the Garukia continent’s southern island L’avide. They were essentially subordinate to the Culottianas, however because militiana youth brought forth a sacred treasure it came to be that fighting occurred between the two races. By burying the sacred treasure at the heart of that which is called God’s island, they construct a mobile island that could also be called a fortress and destroy the Culottianas. However, because they had become a greedy race, internal conflict developed, and they met their downfall.[1]
- Guidebook
- ~キュロッティアナ:ル・アビデに住んでい古代種
- 族。ミュリティアナを数で圧倒的に上回っていたため、
- 彼らを支配していた。神器を手に反旗を翻したミュリ
- ティアナと対立し、激しい争いの未に滅亡。
- Unofficial Translation
- Culottiana: The ancient race that lived on L’avide. As a consequence of their numbers overwhelmingly exceeded the Militiana’s, they ruled over them. They confronted the Militiana who possessed a sacred treasure and had revolted, and following a violent conflict, met their end.[1]